Want to know what the latest absurd gimmick in healthy water is today? Look no further than

Dr. Mercola’s EZ Water or Living Water. Dr. Mercola claims: “There is a fourth phase of water, not H2O but H3O2, and can be called living water. It’s more viscous, dense, and alkaline than regular water; has a negative charge, and can hold energy, much like a battery, and deliver energy too”. A fourth phase of water? If that were true, this would be a groundbreaking discovery. Alas, it’s not. If you search for H3O2, you’ll find out that it is water with antioxidant hydroxyl ions in it. That isn’t a fourth phase of water, it’s alkaline water that’s made by a water ionizer.
Dr. Mercola on alkaline water
Dr. Mercola has previously weighed in on alkaline water. He says that: “the research is clear” that highly (sic) alkaline water “has a detrimental effect on plants and animals” (which is not true for humans as there over 40 studies showing health benefits. So what is the pH of EZ Water or Living Water as Dr. Mercola calls it? He doesn’t say. But Dr. Mercola does say this about EZ Water or Living Water: “It’s more viscous, dense, and alkaline than regular water”
Wait, what??? Dr. Mercola previously said that highly alkaline water has a “detrimental effect on plants and animals”. Now he’s saying that EZ Water or Living Water is more alkaline than regular water and that’s part of what makes it good for you?
You can’t have it both ways. Dr. Mercola previously stated that any water with a pH of higher than 8 (that includes a lot of tap water!) is bad for you. Now he claims that EZ Water or Living Water with a pH of higher than 8 is good for you partially because of its pH?
Why would Dr. Mercola contradict himself like that?
Back in 2010, Dr. Mercola was selling a water filtration system that did not alter the pH of the water it treated. He claimed that that water was living water too! In that case, he claimed that what made water living water is how it was “structured”. Note: There is no such thing as structured water.
Structured water nonsense started with a Japanese doctor named Dr. Emoto who claimed that water molecules formed structures depending on the state of the water. His work was swiftly debunked. Attempts to recreate his experimental results all failed. In fact, Dr. Emoto was unable to reproduce the results of his own experiments himself! That nonsense was also used by Enagic corporation to market Kangen Water. It is one of the main reasons Kangen Water became known as a scam.
EZ or Living Water debunked
Here are the claims that Dr. Mercola makes for EZ Water or Living Water. After each claim, I’ll debunk that claim in italic letters:
Your body consists of over 99 percent water molecules, but the water in your cells is not regular water, but highly structured water with special properties.
No, it’s not. Your body is about 70% water. The water in your cells is good old H2O, it has no structure because water molecules can only pass through the aquaporins – channels in the cell wall – in single file. A structure of water molecules would be too big to fit through.
There is a fourth phase of water, not H2O but H3O2, and can be called living water. It’s more viscous, dense, and alkaline than regular water; has a negative charge, and can hold energy, much like a battery, and deliver energy too
H3O2 is water with an extra hydroxyl molecule. The formula for it is H2O + HO. Which is water plus an extra hydroxyl ion. Antioxidant alkaline water does have a negative charge, called it’s oxidation reduction potential. That potential can neutralize harmful radicals.
The key ingredient to creating this highly structured water is light, i.e. electromagnetic energy, whether in the form of visible light or infrared wavelengths, which we’re surrounded by all the time
There is no evidence that you can make H3O2, or alkaline water using infrared light. Infrared light in high enough concentrations can heat water, but it won’t restructure it, and it won’t make water alkaline.
Dr. Mercola has a long history of making fraudulent health claims
Dr. Mercola has been told to stop making health claims by the FDA many times. He’s even used the name “Living Water” before, for an entirely unrelated product. For that product, he claimed that a special kind of light he called biophotonic light restructured that water into healthy water. His claims were swiftly debunked. The science of biophotonics has nothing to do with water.
Alkaline water: Real science, real benefits
Unlike Dr. Mercola’s EZ Water or Real Water, alkaline water has studies to show that it has potential health benefits. In fact, there are over 40 studies on alkaline water for a variety of health effects. Alkaline water also has a long track record of helping people. You can read testimonials from people who have been helped by alkaline water here at Life Ionizers and on other alkaline water websites. Why take chances with Dr. Mercola’s latest gimmick water when you can get alkaline water with a proven track record of improving health? Here are just a few of the research-backed benefits of alkaline water:
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Do you have EZ water machine for domestic use for sale ?