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Alkaline Water – Myth or Misunderstood?

Alkaline Water – Myth or Misunderstood by Life Water ionizers

Huge numbers of people believe drinking alkaline water is good for your health, and may even prevent some diseases. Skeptics claim that the benefits of alkaline water are a myth and that it can’t cure diseases. So who’s right? Both groups are right. The belief that alkaline water is good for health is supported by over 40 studies and testified to by the tens of thousands of people who drink it.

Alkaline Water - Myth or Misunderstood?
Fact: Alkaline water from a water ionizer promotes general wellness.

On the other hand, multi-level marketers who don’t understand the science of alkaline water are promoting the benefits of it, but they are using demonstrably false claims to do so. Those false claim are leading to a huge misunderstanding about alkaline water and water ionizers. I recently found out just how poorly many alkaline water “critics” understand alkaline water when I read an article on Alternet titled: Huge Number of People Believe Drinking Alkalinized Water Prevents Diseases: Are They Right?

Facing Alkaline Water’s  Critics

The comments after the article were filled with critics, making claims such as “This is clearly a religious cult” and “Oh well, I guess it’s back to the magic crystals” despite the fact that the article interviewed Professor Daniel P Heil, who has done two clinical studies which show  that alkaline water hydrates better, and raises blood and urine pH. I decided to comment on the article, and take some of the critics head on.

The Placebo Effect Argument: Debunked I shared my wife’s story, how alkaline water has helped her over the course of four years. Critics pounced, claiming that it was the placebo effect. The problem with that argument is that the placebo effect only lasts for 2 ½ years – tops. When I pointed that out to the critics I was debating with, they immediately fell silent. Since the improvements in my wife’s health have lasted for 4 years and counting, it can’t be the placebo effect.

How exactly does passing an electric current through water alter it’s pH? Is another question I answered. In this case, the person asking the question didn’t have all the facts. I explained that the way a water ionizer works is a bit more complicated than “passing an electric current through water”.

The actual process used by a water ionizer to make ionized water is called Two-Chamber Membrane Electrodialysis. What makes it work is the membrane, which allows charged particles to pass through, but blocks energetically neutral particles. Once I gave the person I was discussing the process with all the facts about it, they changed their tune. The only reason they were critical is because the information they were given was wrong.

Alkaline Water as a Big Pharma “conspiracy” was mentioned by several commentators in the article, and they’re wrong. Big Pharma does not sell alkaline water. Life Ionizers is one of the largest and most well-established water ionizer company doing business today, and is definitely not owned by Big Pharma. The reality is that much of the push-back against alkaline water has come from sources aligned with Big Pharma. So the truth is the exact opposite of what some critics think!

Why is alkaline water so misunderstood?

Pseudoscience is fake science dressed up to look like real science. There is a lot of pseudoscience being used, mostly by multi-level marketers, to sell water ionizers and alkaline water. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people that believe the pseudoscience being used to sell water ionizers, so it gets passed around, and just like any other internet rumors, a lot of people fall for it. Here are a few examples of the misinformation being circulated about alkaline water:

Claims made about alkaline water and water ionizers that just aren’t true

  • Microclustering – Water molecules don’t cluster up
  • Kangen Water – No such thing, just a brand name for alkaline water
  • Oxygenated – Alkaline water contains molecular hydrogen, not oxygen
  • Disease cure – Have to be evaluated by the FDA before you can make them

Microclustering is a claim based on a phenomenon called hydrogen bonding. Water molecules can bond together theoretically for a few picoseconds (trillionths of a second). But those bonds break as soon as they form, so you’re water doesn’t contain any water molecule clusters, no matter what kind of water it is

Kangen Water® is a trademarked name for alkaline water made by the Kangen Water® machine, a water ionizer made by Enagic Corporation. Alkaline water and Kangen Water® are the same thing, they are made the same way. The only difference is the quality of the machine that’s making the alkaline water

Oxygenated There is no such thing as oxygenated alkaline water. Keep in mind, alkaline water has a higher pH than regular water. The H in pH stands for Hydrogen. Alkaline water has a higher than neutral pH, meaning it has more hydrogen in it, and less oxygen.

The acidic water made by a water ionizer is rich in oxygen because it has a lower than neutral pH, meaning less hydrogen than oxygen.

Disease cure There have been a lot of studies on the health benefits of alkaline water, but the FDA hasn’t evaluated them. Until it does, nobody can legally make disease cure claims for alkaline water.

Water Ionizers are General Wellness Devices

The FDA recently issued draft guidance for general wellness devices – which include water ionizers. These rules state that general wellness devices are used to promote health, they can assist in health improvements such as weight loss, or to enhance physical fitness. This recent FDA classification is good news, because that’s what alkaline water from a water ionizer is for; to support and enhance your health. If you’re shopping for a water ionizer, this is good information to keep in mind. Legitimate companies will promote their water ionizer as a product for general wellness, and will leave disease cure claims to doctors who are qualified to make them.


Alkaline Water: Get the Facts, it’s your health and you’re worth it. Call us at 844-506-3210 for a free, no obligation consultation

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