10 Reasons to Drink Alkaline Water in 3 Minutes

Want to know how drinking alkaline water can benefit you but don’t have a lot of time?

This video discusses the 10 most popular – as voted by you – benefits of drinking alkaline water – in about three minutes. The facts in this 3-minute video are life-changing, and they’re backed by scientific research. If you want to see the actual studies the alkaline water benefits in this video are based on, you will find them listed in the references section below the video transcript.

Transcript- 10 Reasons to drink alkaline water every day

Heard of alkaline Ionized water, but wondering what it can do for you?

Well, here’s ten reasons to drink ionized water every day!

ONE – Hydration!

Research shows that drinking alkaline ionized water hydrates your body better than plain water.

TWO – Detoxification!

life-ionizer-reviews-jason-babbinAlkaline, Ionized water provides the body with a daily cleanse.

Your kidneys will thank you as ion-trapping draws out acidic toxins.

Your liver will say cheers as increased levels of antioxidants promote blood cleansing.

Your colon will feel the difference – and so will you!

And your cells will say bye bye to all of those stored toxins and fatty acids.

THREE – Balance Body pH!

Research shows that raising the pH of your urine by just 1 pH can prevent or eliminate the symptoms of metabolic syndrome such as – obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar and kidney stones.

FOUR – Weight Loss!

Hydration allows you to have the better workouts, so you are able to burn more calories!

A recent study showed that people who started drinking alkaline water lost an average of 12 pounds in two months and the only change they made was drinking alkaline water!

FIVE – Anti – Aging!

Anti-oxidant alkaline water fight to prevent free radicals from attacking your healthy tissues by providing an abundance of excess electrons in the body.  These excess electrons neutralize the free radicals that cause cellular and DNA damage that leads to premature aging.

SIX – Heart Health and Blood Pressure!

Alkaline ionized water has been shown to reduce blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels in people with mineral deficiencies.

SEVEN – Liver Health!

Alkaline water has been shown to reduce oxidative stress in the body that affects the liver.

Alkaline water has also been shown to increase levels of a critical antioxidant that protect the liver.

EIGHT – Bone Health!

Research shows a clear link between alkaline water and bone health. When your body’s pH balance becomes acidic, your body will adjust it by stealing calcium from your bones.

NINE – Digestive Health!

Research suggests alkaline water reduces the symptoms of colitis, loose bowels and constipation.

You can throw away your antacids too – Alkaline Ionized water has an antacid effect for those upset stomachs

TEN – Sports Performance!

Feel more hydrated with greater endurance, faster recovery and more energy!

Want to know how alkaline water can help you? Call us now at 877-959-7977 for more information and ask about our “10 Reasons” discount for alkaline water ionizers.


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  • priyankaankala

    Nice article, thank you for sharing useful information about Benefits of Drinking Natural Alkaline Water in 3 Minutes.


    Excellent results.

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