Why is Alkaline Water Better for You

Why is Alkaline Water Better for You by Life Water Ionizers

Alkaline water is credited by many people for having many health-improving benefits, such as weight loss,

Why is Alkaline Water Better for You?
Alkaline water provides the healthy minerals, alkalinity, and antioxidant potential your body needs

detoxification, reducing blood pressure and improving bone health. But what is far less well known is: Why is alkaline water better for you? There’s lots of confusion around that question. Kangen Water sales representatives often talk about something called micro-clustering. Other companies claim that alkaline water gets its benefits from molecular hydrogen. But actual clinical studies contradict both claims: Research suggests that the benefits of alkaline water come from its mineral content, alkalinity, and antioxidant potential.

Alkaline water: The world’s best source of calcium and magnesium

Research conducted by the World Health Organization, which is part of the United Nations, reveals that alkaline water is the World’s best source of calcium and magnesium: Your body absorbs these essential minerals from water at least 30% easier and faster than it does from food or supplements. These findings are backed by a separate study that showed that even people who get enough calcium in their diets benefit substantially from getting calcium in their water. Based on several studies on the bioavailability of calcium and magnesium in water, the World Health Organization issued a recommendation that for good health, you need to get 10 – 20% of your daily needs for calcium and magnesium from the water you drink. 

Why the calcium in alkaline water is good for you

life-ionizer-reviews-derek-leeCalcium is involved in every metabolic process in the body, it is essential for good heart health, bone health, and more. But it can be difficult for the body to absorb calcium, the chlorophyll in many vegetables binds calcium in the gut, and that makes it hard for the body to absorb. Another limiting factor is pH: A study that compared calcium absorption rates in alkaline and acidic water found that drinking alkaline water with calcium in it increased calcium uptake, drinking calcium in acidic water had no effect on calcium uptake.

There are no limiting factors to the absorption of calcium when it’s delivered in alkaline water. In fact, research has shown that even people who have a hard time absorbing calcium from food and supplements easily absorb it from alkaline water. Even some mainstream health experts are now claiming that there is a link between alkaline water and bone health.

“The more alkaline the water, the greater the protective effect on the arteries”

That’s the conclusion researchers made in the largest ever study on the effects of drinking water on heart health: Hard water and the heart: The story revisited. This study examined the health outcomes of people living in areas where the drinking water contained very little minerals (soft water) to the health outcomes of people living in areas with high mineral content (hard water) in their drinking water. The study found that hard water is much better for your heart than soft water is and that the higher the pH of the water you drink, the more it will protect your arteries and heart.

Alkaline water from a water ionizer is both rich in minerals and it has a high pH. For your heart, the mineral that has the greatest benefit for it is magnesium. What a water ionizer does is concentrate the calcium and magnesium in your water, and then it raises the pH of your water to healthy levels.

Alkaline water’s antioxidant potential is a big deal when it comes to digestive health

The idea that “good health begins in the gut” began as folk wisdom but has in recent years been confirmed by medical science. We now know that there is a constant tug-of-war in your gut between beneficial microbes and harmful ones. One of the ways you can help the good microbes win the tug-of-war is to drink antioxidant alkaline water.

The good, probiotic microbes in your gut prefer an antioxidant environment in the gut. The harmful microbes prefer an oxidative environment. By drinking antioxidant alkaline water, you can provide the antioxidative environment that probiotic microbes prefer. There is solid clinical evidence that alkaline water is good for gut health: In Japanese clinical trials, 88% of patients who reported mild digestive upset found full or partial relief from drinking alkaline water alone.

Alkaline water has also been shown to be as effective as PPI medications for acid reflux.  When combined with a sensible diet, it may even be more effective than PPI drugs, without the dangerous side effects of PPI drugs. What alkaline water does is inactivate pepsin: The enzyme that triggers the painful burning of acid reflux.

Alkalinity: Some of us could use a boost

Obesity, osteoporosis, heart disease, arthritis and more: All these health problems have three things in common:

    • They are epidemics, they afflict millions
    • They are 100% preventable
  • They are linked to poor diet and excessive acidity

Metabolic syndrome is a “constellation of physiological screwups” that includes all of the above health problems. Millions of Americans are affected, and those sufferers face a long, slow decline into crippling disability, poor health, and early death. So what is metabolic syndrome? It’s chronic metabolic acidosis – a temporary condition where blood pH drops to dangerously low levels. A healthy body corrects metabolic acidosis, all on its own. But unhealthy bodies do a poor job of correcting acidosis. People who do struggle with acidosis could use a little boost or alkalinity, and alkaline water can help. Clinical testing shows that alkaline water can raise blood pH from 40 – 70% within the healthy pH range for blood, in conditions of metabolic acidosis.

People who are obese, and who struggle with problems like acid reflux and arthritis are well advised to give alkaline water a try. Clinical trials of alkaline water suggest that it may help them lose weight, reduce blood pressure, improve blood sugar levels, and slow bone loss.

Alkalinity and antioxidant potential for athletes

Alkaline water isn’t just for health problems, athletes can benefit from its healthy properties as well. Pro athletes know that you can increase your performance by alkalizing your body prior to working out. When you alkalize, it helps delay the onset of muscular acidosis: The painful burning sensation in your muscles when you work out hard. Clinical testing performed at the University of Montana shows that drinking alkaline water reduces intra-muscular oxidation, raises blood pH and improves hydration status in athletes that train hard.

How to try alkaline water

If you have health challenges or are an athlete that trains hard (like me) you should consider giving alkaline water a try.

How much? You should plan to consume between 2 – 3 liters per day of alkaline water. All of the studies on the alkaline water that showed health benefits had test subjects consume at least 2 liters per day of alkaline water.

At what pH? Health experts recommend a pH level of between 8.5 – 9.5 for daily consumption. You should use 10 or higher pH levels if you are suffering from symptoms of acid reflux. You should also use higher pH levels if you are an athlete and want to alkalize yourself for workouts.

When should I drink it? All day long. Start with a glass or two when you wake up. Have a glass of alkaline water a half hour before meals, and wait an hour after a meal before drinking. Drink only purified water with meals, you don’t want alkaline water’s alkalinity to interfere with your digestive acids. Drink a glass of alkaline water a half hour before bed, it may save your life. A glass of water before bed can prevent a heart attack or stroke.

The best way to try alkaline water

The best way to try alkaline water is to get a water ionizer. Bottled alkaline water won’t work because it has no antioxidant potential, and it’s way too expensive. A water ionizer will make alkaline water at the pH level you want, and to follow the recommendations in this article, you need a machine that makes alkaline water with pH levels of 8.5 and up. Also, keep in mind that you’ll need to drink 2 liters or more of alkaline water per day, a water ionizer is the only way to ensure you have a steady supply.

Try a Life Ionizer for 75 days with our 75-day return policy. That gives you plenty of time to see if alkaline water is right for you. If not, you can simply return it. Life Ionizers is so confident that you’ll love the benefits of alkaline water, that we give you a 75-day return policy so you can try alkaline water and see for yourself.

Try alkaline water and see the benefits for yourself. Call us at 877-959-7977 for complete details


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