The Surprising way Bottled Water could be making you Fat

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The Surprising way Bottled Water could be making you Fat

The Surprising way Bottled Water could be making you Fat by Water Ionizer Benefits

Surprise! Have you switched from unhealthy beverages like soda to bottled water to lose weight? That zero-calorie bottle of water you’re drinking may actually be making it harder for you to lose weight. The culprit? Bisphenol-A (BPA) a chemical in the plastic resin of the bottle that the FDA has, up until now, insisted had no effects on health. Research now suggests, that far from being harmless, BPA breaks down into a chemical that causes weight gain.

The Surprising way Bottled Water could be making you Fat
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BPA Makes fat cells, BPA-Glucuronide makes fat cells fatty

Studies have shown that BPA stimulates adipogenesis: The production of fat cells. That’s a problem because the more fat cells you have, the easier it is to get fat. Even when you lose weight, you never lose fat cells, they just decrease in size as they release lipids – the  form fat that is stored as in the body.

Within about six hours of ingesting it, your liver converts about half of the BPA it was exposed to into BPA-glucuronide (BPA-G).  This chemical was originally believed to be inert – have no effect on the body. But research conducted at Health Canada and published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives shows that BPA-G causes fat cells to accumulate lipids which result in weight gain.

Surprising sources of BPA you may not be aware of

BPA is found in a lot more places than just plastic bottles. It’s used in most food and beverage packaging including the lining of metal cans. Food storage containers often contain BPA, and when you microwave them they release higher than normal amounts of BPA.

Grocery store receipts are another common source of BPA that most people aren’t aware of. You are exposed to BPA when you handle the receipt and you breathe it in from the dust that is generated when the receipt is printed out.

Oddly enough, despite the fact that BPA is outlawed in sippy cups and baby bottles, it’s allowed to be used in the lining of cans that contain baby formula!

How to reduce your exposure to BPA

Avoid bottled water, never drink a bottle of water that has been left in a hot car.

Never heat food in plastic containers in the microwave, use glass containers instead. Reduce the amount of canned food in your diet, and never eat food from a can that has been dented. The damage caused by the dent may break the resin lining of the can, and increase your exposure to BPA. It’s best to avoid baby formula in cans entirely, infants are more susceptible to the effects of BPA than adults are.

Antimony: Why bottled alkaline water is even worse than regular bottled water

BPA isn’t the only chemical of concern in plastic bottles. Antimony, a toxic heavy metal, also leaches from plastic resin and into the water you’re drinking. If that bottle happens to contain alkaline water, the problem is even worse. Antimony is an acidic element, so alkaline water pulls it from the resin that plastic bottles are made from.

The safest place to get water from is your own kitchen sink. Water ionizers and other home water filtration systems remove the toxins from water and save you a lot of money over the cost of bottled water. Life Ionizers can finance a water ionizer for less per month than you may be paying for bottled alkaline water right now – and Life water ionizers are 100% BPA free!

Is the water you’re drinking good for your health? Find out. Call us at 844 505-3210 for a free no obligation healthy water consultation


Boucher, Jonathan, Adele Boudreau, and Shaimaa Ahmed. “In Vitro Effects of Bisphenol A β-D-Glucuronide (BPA-G) on Adipogenesis in Human and Murine Preadipocytes.” Environmental Health Perspectives. National Institute of Environmental Health Services, 27 May 2015. Web. 16 June 2015.

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