FACTS about Arsenic Water Pollution

If you live in the West, the Midwest, parts of Texas, or the Northeast the chances are very high that there is arsenic in your groundwater supply.

map of arsenic water contamination in the US
Arsenic concentrations in US water sources. Source US Geological Survey

Worse yet, if you live near a hydro-fracking well, arsenic may be present in your water at high concentrations! The best way to find out if there is arsenic in your water is to have it tested. If you are on a public water supply, you can also check your annual water quality report to see if arsenic was found in your water supply.

Click here for a free copy of your local water quality report

Arsenic in water is harmful, even in small doses

Even if there is just a small amount of arsenic in your water, it can affect your health. Arsenic causes tumors, and there is also a possible link to kidney disease. The US EPA recently lowered the acceptable level of arsenic in drinking water to 10 parts per billion (ppb). However, if your water meets the EPA’s 10 ppb standard, your chances of developing a tumor are still 1 in 500!

Arsenic Levels
(in parts per billion, or ppb)

Approximate Tumor Risk (assuming 2 liters consumed/day)

 0.5 ppb

1 in 10,000

1 ppb

1 in 5,000

3 ppb

1 in 1,667

4 ppb

1 in 1,250

5 ppb

1 in 1,000

10 ppb – EPA Limit

1 in 500

20 ppb

1 in 250

25 ppb

1 in 200

50 ppb

1 in 100

How to Filter Arsenic in Drinking Water

Arsenic can be reduced in water by a few different types of filtration:

  • Arsenic Filters
  • Carbon Block
  • Reverse Osmosis

Each of these types of filters has advantages.

Carbon Block – Possibly the most widely available filter technology, also effective against chlorine

Arsenic Filters – Use a specialty filter media to reduce levels of arsenic. These filters also reduce lead and fluoride. This type of filter is great for older homes with lead in the plumbing

Reverse Osmosis – If your water is heavily contaminated, reverse osmosis (RO) may be your only choice. RO removes 99% of all minerals in water.

Drinking RO water can be risky because it contains no minerals. If you choose to use an RO system, be sure to use a remineralizing cartridge to restore healthy minerals to your water.


Life Alkaline Water Ionizers Filter Arsenic

Life Alkaline water ionizers use carbon block filter technology in addition to Life’s Vitamin C Ceramic block (patent pending) filter media to achieve reductions of toxins like arsenic. A water ionizer provides an extra layer of protection against arsenic because arsenic is an anion (a type of ion). Anions are ejected out of the waste stream outlet of a water ionizer during operation.

Are you concerned about toxins in your water? Call us today at 877-959-7977 and we will explain your options for water testing and filter systems.


“Water-related diseases.” WHO | Water-related diseases. World Health Organization. Web. 8 Jul 2013. <http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/diseases/arsenicosis/en/>.

“Arsenic in Drinking Water.” Natural Resources Defense Council. Natural Resources Defense Council, 12 Feb 2009. Web. 8 Jul 2013. <http://www.nrdc.org/water/drinking/qarsenic.asp>.

“USGS NAWQA Arsenic in Groundwater.” National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program. US Geological Survey, 17 Nov 2011. Web. 8 Jul 2013. <http://water.usgs.gov/nawqa/trace/arsenic/>.

The contaminants or other substances removed or reduced by this water treatment device are not necessarily in your water. The only way to find out for sure is to have your water tested.

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