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Metabolic Acidosis Symptoms and Treatment

Do you often feel tired and out of breath? Find yourself breathing rapidly after light exercise, but still feel like you’re suffocating? These are symptoms of metabolic acidosis, a potentially dangerous condition you should not ignore.

metabolic acidosis symptoms infographic
Alkaline water also helps you maintain a healthy pH balance and avoid metabolic acidosis

Metabolic acidosis is a temporary condition where your blood pH drops to dangerously low levels. A healthy body can compensate, but If you are older, or have health challenges, your body may not be able to compensate for the acidity. If this happens to you frequently, you need to take action. To fight metabolic acidosis, you need to raise the pH of your blood back to a safe level. A recent clinical study reveals that one of the best ways to do this is to drink a glass of alkaline water.

Four Types of Metabolic Acidosis

Respiratory Acidosis: happens when your blood has high levels of CO2 in it. CO2 acidifies your blood, and your body responds by breathing rapidly and deeply in an effort to expel the CO2 from your lungs. A normally healthy person will experience respiratory acidosis when they exercise. But if you’re health is poor, or you don’t get much exercise, even regular daily activities can leave you feeling out of breath.

Hyperchloremic acidosis: happens when your body’s supply of sodium bicarbonate gets too low. It is caused by dehydration and severe diarrhea, which drains your body of electrolytes.

Diabetic acidosis: Also called diabetic ketoacidosis or DKA occurs with type 1 diabetes. It happens when substances known as ketones build up in your body.

Lactic acidosis: Is caused by a buildup of lactic acid in the body. It is most commonly caused by vigorous exercise, but lactic acidosis can be caused by any of these conditions:

    • Alcohol

    • Tumors

    • Vigorous exercise

    • Liver failure

    • Low blood sugar

    • Salicylates (some medications)

    • Lack of oxygen

  • Seizures

Life-threatening acidosis: When to see your doctor

Hyperchloremic acidosis and diabetic acidosis are both extremely dangerous forms of acidosis that you should not try to treat yourself. Lactic acidosis is also dangerous if it’s caused by a health condition like liver failure. A person suffering from these conditions can become confused and lethargic. If that happens, get them to a hospital right away. Either condition can result in sudden shock or death.

Acidosis you can treat yourself

As long as you aren’t feeling confused and lethargic, metabolic acidosis is something you can treat yourself. Athletes often prepare their bodies to fight respiratory and lactic acidosis by alkalizing their bodies prior to working out. A common way they alkalize is by consuming baking soda, but you shouldn’t alkalize with baking soda because it contains high amounts of sodium. A better way to alkalize is to drink alkaline water.

Alkaline water raises blood pH 40 – 70%: Study

A recent clinical study of metabolic acidosis in physically active men showed that alkaline water is a fast, safe, and effective way to raise blood pH. In the study, researchers examined 52 men to see if drinking alkaline water could raise their blood pH. Researchers induced metabolic acidosis in the men in two ways:

    • Fasting: Causes lactic metabolic acidosis due to low blood sugar

  • Exercise: Causes both lactic acidosis and respiratory acidosis

Fasting: The men in the study lasted for 24 hours to induce lactic acidosis. Drinking alkaline water raised their blood pH by 40%, ending the lactic acidosis. Men who drank plain water as a control saw no increase in blood pH.

Exercise: The men ran for an hour, which induced both respiratory acidosis and lactic acidosis. That made their blood pH even lower than fasting did. Drinking alkaline water raised their blood pH by a whopping 70%! Men who drank plain water saw no increase in blood pH.

Conclusion: Researchers concluded that drinking alkaline water does raise blood pH, and that alkaline water is a potential treatment for metabolic acidosis.

How to alkalize your body for working out

Alkalize your body prior to working out and you will get a much better workout, with a faster recovery.

One Hour before your workout: Drink a glass of alkaline water with the highest pH you can get. For maximum alkalinity, a powerful water ionizer like the Life M-11 is your best bet. If you are going to sweat a lot, or are working out for over an hour, you should add electrolytes to your alkaline water to replace the electrolytes you’re going to lose. Simply add a powdered electrolyte drink mix, such as Emergen C’s Electro Mix to your alkaline water and drink.

During your workout: Continue drinking high pH alkaline water to maintain your hydration levels.

After your workout: Drink alkaline water with a pH of 9 – 9.5, which is the normally recommended pH level for daily consumption.

Alkaline water for daily pH balance

When you’re not at the gym, alkaline water can help you maintain your pH balance. Simply drink alkaline water with a pH of 9.5 throughout the day. Avoid acidifying beverages like soda.

When you wake up: Give your body a healthy jump start by having a glass of alkaline water with a twist of lemon, lime, or oranges in it. All of those citrus fruits provide vitamin C, and help alkalize your body because they are rich in alkaline minerals. Alkaline water and any citrus fruit make a potent antioxidant beverage because alkaline water triples the antioxidant power of vitamin C.

Don’t drink alkaline water with meals: Alkaline water can neutralize stomach acid, so you don’t want to drink it with meals. Stop drinking alkaline water an hour before a meal, and wait an hour after a meal before drinking alkaline water.

Hour before bed: A glass of water an hour before bed can prevent a heart attack or stroke.

If you’re suffering from poor health, it’s likely that you didn’t get that way overnight. If you are suffering from the symptoms of metabolic acidosis, you should expect to gain gradual relief over time as you drink alkaline water and your body rebuilds its alkaline buffer. If you are under a doctors care, make sure you talk to your doctor before starting to drink alkaline water.


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